Major international 1-year project completed

1st November 2020

Along with our colleagues at Ngali Mining Limited, we have completed a major 1-year mineral exploration campaign for the Rwandan Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (RMB).

The project included a comprehensive geological assessment of five priority target areas (PTAs) in western and northwestern Rwanda, which are prospective for REEs, tungsten, tin, lithium and coltan (LCT pegmatites), and energy resources.

The work programme included the routine collection and interpretation of stream sediment, rock and trench samples, diamond core drilling, borehole and ground geophysical surveys, undergound tunnel mapping and sampling, petrographic and automated mineralogical analysis. The outcomes of this exploration campaign were summarised in five extensive reports, available from RMB.

It has been a great opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary team from Rwanda, South Africa and Russia and to jointly improve the current knowledge of important metallogenic belts in Rwanda.

Please contact us for further information and to see how we can help you with your exploration programme.


Steiner, B., Savin, V.A., Nkabelane O.N. (2020). Follow-up exploration, scout drilling and mineralogical characterisation of the Gatumba Cluster Li-Cs-Ta pegmatites, Nyiramuganza PTA, Rwanda. Report compiled for the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board. 114p.

Steiner, B., Savin, V.A., Nkabelane O.N. (2020). An integrated geological, geochemical and geophysical investigation of Thorium anomalies and other REE occurrences in the Rukarara PTA, Butare Complex, Southern Rwanda. Report compiled for the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board. 112p.

Steiner, B., Savin, V.A., Nkabelane O.N. (2020). An investigation of Thorium anomalies and other REE occurrences in the Kirimbi PTA, western Rwanda. Report compiled for the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board. 87p.

Steiner, B., Savin, V.A., Nkabelane O.N. (2020). Exploration for structurally-controlled tungsten mineralisation in the Shyembe Belt PTA, western Rwanda. Report compiled for the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board. 95p.

Steiner, B., Savin, V.A., Nkabelane O.N. (2020). An investigation into organic-rich sedimentary rocks and the energy resource potential of the Nyamasheke PTA, Western Rwanda. Report compiled for the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board. 63p.

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