Collaborative services offered by XPLORE GLOBAL Ltd. and Transition Elements AS

XPLORE GLOBAL Ltd. and Transition Elements AS have recently teamed up to create a new consulting service offering, allowing clients in the mining and exploration sector to access integrated, cross-discipline analysis and geological modelling expertise. In a nutshell, our joint expertise can help to build your mining and exploration data into a consistent, coherent model in order to improve exploration targeting, testing and exploration strategy development. 

Exploration support for Capella Minerals Ltd.

We are currently supporting Capella Minerals with their recently acquired Norwegian VMS projects in the renowned Løkken and Røros-Kjøli historic mining districts. The cluster of exploration licenses target Caledonian metavolcanic and metasedimentary-hosted Cu-Zn massive sulphide mineralisation. Our work so far comprises a detailed review of existing governmental (NGU) and proprietary geophysical and geochemical data which support the production of a local structural and mineralisation model, and the delineation of prospective geological trends in the tenement areas.  Furthermore, our contribution facilitates a detailed and focused approach during the next fieldwork season.     

Scope of joint services  



Exploration Geology and Geochemistry

  • Specialist advice on all matters related to prospecting, field exploration operations, integration of geophysical and geochemical exploration techniques, QAQC
  • Comprehensive evaluation of surface geochemical and drilling datasets beyond commonly practised univariate anomaly detection
  • Integration of mineralogical techniques to inform on geochemical signatures and vice versa
  • Delineation of mineralogical and mineral system signatures from geochemical and geological data
  • Advice and best practice implementation of orientation studies and other field surveys
  • Training of local team in GIS, ioGas and other packages.

Structural Geology

  • Regional to local structural interpretations of geophysical, outcrop and borehole datasets
  • Development of structural evolution and ore deposit models
  • Development of a mineralising fluid flow and distribution model
  • Integrated exploration targeting and mineral prospectivity mapping in GIS
  • 3D geological modelling in standard or specialist software

Team Members

Benedikt Steiner

  • QP, (PERC/JORC/NI43-101)
  • Exploration strategy and targeting
  • International and Norwegian exploration experience
  • Field and class course leader

Liz Thompson 

  • Norway-based
  • International experience
  • Structural analysis and geomodelling